Thursday, July 10, 2008


I don't think I have ever given an 'outstanding lesson' in my life, but that is my new goal, according to the powers that be in the institution of enlightenment in which I am currently entombed.

An 'outstanding lesson' is one that:

How to Teach an Outstanding Lesson

Promoting learning through effective teaching. Ask yourself…

When planning the lesson have you…

· Provided a detailed and effective scheme of work and lesson plan appropriate for the learning needs of the group and the demands of the subject?

· Organised the room layout and resources to maximise learning opportunities?

· Planned for individual learning needs?

· Provided an appropriate pack for an observer – Scheme, lesson plan, ILPs, group/individual profiles, assignment records etc (Select as appropriate; do not overdo as this can be counter-productive)

At the start of lesson do you…

· Take the register within first few minutes and record and challenge lateness appropriately?

· Start with re-cap of previous lesson and involve learners in this to consolidate and reinforce learning?

· Record clear learning objectives or outcomes of the lesson and share these with learners? (They should know what they are there for)

During the lesson do you…

· Vary teaching and learning activities to:
- hold learners’ interests
- meet a range of learning styles and abilities
- actively engage learners in the learning process

· Ensure that learners are given clear information and guidance throughout the lesson. (Tell them if you want them to do something such as take notes)

· Show interest and enthusiasm for the subject and create a positive and constructive atmosphere for learning? (Your manner and approach will inspire or disengage learners)

· Ensure that the pace of activities is appropriate for:
- subject level
- stage of course
- individual learning needs

· Manage different learning needs in the group? (Through extension activities, differentiated resources, structured group work activities, varied levels of support etc)

· Use appropriate teaching and learning resources - including ILT – effectively and creatively to support and promote learning? (Remember, of all the senses, sight has the most impact on learning)

· Link learning content to previous learning and experience and use topical and vocationally relevant examples to explain and clarify the lesson content?

· Use effective questioning skills and appropriate assessment activities to regularly review and check learning throughout the lesson? (All learners not just some)

· Ensure all learners are actively involved in the learning tasks and are working productively and co-operatively on them?

· Provide clear feedback on progress – written or verbal (as appropriate) – within the lesson?

· Demonstrate highly effective communication and group management skills appropriate to the age of the learners and level of the qualification?

· Ensure that all language, resources and learning approaches used, positively promote an inclusive learning atmosphere based on respect for difference and diversity? (see below)

Do you check…

· Language and terminology – in course material, in what you say and in what the learners do and say?

· Stereotypical attitudes – oral and written?

· Gender or racial bias in the organisation or balance of learner contribution?

· Breadth and appropriateness of assessment activities to ensure that they reflect a diversity of approach to learning?

· The physical environment and how this might impact on learning?

· Access and support for learners available within your organisation?

At the end of the lesson do you…

· Review aims/objectives/activities completed?

· Ask and check what learners have learnt? (Could use learning diary for this)

· Check to see if any elements are still outstanding and need to be carried over to the next lesson?

· Ensure that any homework set is given out (With written instructions where appropriate)

· End with a forward look to the next lesson so that learners can see the links + are motivated to attend?

· Bring the lesson to a clear close?

The role of the teacher is to promote learning.

An outstanding lesson should provide very clear evidence of highly effective learning for every learner in that class.


What happened to, take the register, write on the board for 45 minutes and set the detentions for those who didn't do the homework?

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