Thursday, July 10, 2008

BBC leading us into recession?

Is it just my perception or is the BBC really negative in the way it portrays the news? I get the impression that the BBC journalists go for the headline with 'impact' rather than setting out the news. I guess I am saying I think they are 'sales' driven.

An example.

Last week, there was a headline on the BBC News site, Business section. It had this within inverted commas, as shown here:

'rates fell by 0.9%'
Surely this is not a 'fall'? When I read the article, looking for what I took to be a quote, the term 'fell' was used by the journalist writing the article.
Today, I see another BBC journalist says the Halifax reports that house prices 'fell' by 2%.
Fell...went down..reduced..a slight decline..

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